Coffee Uganda, Sironko

Flavour profile: Classic (Chocolate)

Dark chocolate, berries

10.5035.00 incl btw

SKU: N/A Category:


Sironko Coffee Yard – Stratoberry

We have already tasted multiple Ugandan coffees, but this is the first time we actually bought a lot. Uganda has an amazing coffee potential, but in many places the quality of the facilities are not as great as in a lot of other places. This coffee is definitely a great example of the road to stellar Ugandan coffees. 

The coffee has a lot of chocolate notes, but also a berry like characteristic. Both can be fully traced back by the varieties used in this coffee. The coffees contain SL-14, SL-28 and Catimor. Let’s elaborate a bit more on these varieties. Catimor is a very resistant variety. Important for this region is that it resists the coffee berry disease. It’s a common disease in this area, which makes the coffee taste like potatoes. You would recognize it instantly when you grind it. Believe us. The flavor is not overly complex, but with the right treatment the coffee can have a nice sweetness and flavors of chocolate. SL-28 however, is the complete opposite. It is very complex, and loved by the coffee berry disease. This coffee can have amazing acidity and berry like quality in flavour. 


You might be able to imagine, when the SL-28 would be sorted out separately we would taste a completely different profile. But as a producer/farmer it is also important to secure the livelihood of your farm. So economically it’s great that multiple varieties are growing here. Which also helps to get more diversity in the gene pool on the farms. However, sorting the varieties into different lots may result in a very exciting profile of the SL-28. So definitely a story to be continued. 

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Additional information

Weight N/A

Uganda, Mt Elgon


Serveral farms around the village of Buzemunwa


Sironko Coffee yard

Processing method

Natural (anaerobic)


Catimor, SL-14, SL-28

Favour profile

Chocolate profile: we have tasted dark chocolate and berries

FOB price

€ 5,56 p/kg

Market price of the coffee when purchased (for comparison)

€ 4,51 (fairtrade €4,71) p/kg


Ingekocht via The Coffee Quest

Purchase history

First time (2024)

Quality score

83,75 (The Coffee Quest)